VAN TOURS empower the community to disrupt human trafficking

Reset180 van tour participants receive first-hand knowledge of intervention reporting. We safely visit sites where trafficking is actively happening within our community, discuss the realities of trafficking, and highlight visible tactics employed by IMBs. Once understood, the nature of trafficking in conspicuous places such as dining and shopping areas, around places of work, worship, and children’s activities can be very confronting. Our van tours have a powerful impact on participants, who often feel compelled to share what they have learned with their friends, family and community groups.

This map shows identified Illicit Massage Businesses (IMBs) in the Northern Virginia area that Reset180 actively engages through our outreach efforts. With increased support we can reach many more.

VAN TOURS empower the community to disrupt human trafficking

Reset180 van tour participants receive first-hand knowledge of intervention reporting. We safely visit sites where trafficking is actively happening within our community, discuss the realities of trafficking, and highlight visible tactics employed by IMBs. Once understood, the nature of trafficking in conspicuous places such as dining and shopping areas, around places of work, worship, and children’s activities can be very confronting. Our van tours have a powerful impact on participants, who often feel compelled to share what they have learned with their friends, family and community groups.

Consider requesting a van tour to better understand how local Illicit Massage Businesses enable human trafficking

We recommend participating in a van tour directly following our Human Trafficking 101 presentation. To request either, please complete the form below. Reset180 does not charge for presentations/speaking engagements or van tours, however donations are gladly accepted. All donations directly fund the mission of Reset180. Thank you!

Consider requesting a van tour to better understand how local Illicit Massage Businesses enable human trafficking

We recommend participating in a van tour directly following our Human Trafficking 101 presentation. To request either, please complete the form below.

Reset180 does not charge for presentations/speaking engagements or van tours, however donations are gladly accepted. All donations directly fund the mission of Reset180. Thank you!

Thank you for your interest in hearing a speaker present on the realities of local human trafficking and/or going on a van tour. Please make requests for a speaker and/or van tour a minimum of 30 days in advance.

All presentations and van tours excluding the youth presentation are for audiences over 18 years old.

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